Love Struck

Love struck.jpgWe’ve managed to randomly bump into each other several times now, like providence is guiding our paths together in some love-struck rom-com.

He’s beautiful and charming and everything I want in a guy. Basically he’s Prince Charming.

Except one thing.

This isn’t a fairy-tale. And there are no happy endings.

I know he’d never be interested in me.

Like ever.

I’m sitting in my office when a commotion from the reception area draws my attention. I glance out to what looks like the set of Dunder-Mifflin, where my boss has clearly turned into Michael Scott and is yelling at someone.

Not just someone.


He’s yelling at HIM!

Prince Charming.

Only Prince Charming is staring at me.

He suddenly has my full attention.

My boss continues to yell at him, “This is a professional environment … can’t dress like that …”

What’s my boss saying?

Prince Charming looks perfect.

Then before I can stop it, my boss is having Prince Charming removed from the building, talking about buttoning up shirts and looking proper.

I try to go back to work, but I’m way too distracted.

What was he doing here?

A few minutes pass and the yelling starts again.


He’s back.

Again, my boss is yelling. At him. Saying something about his hair being disheveled and it not being appropriate to talk to the ladies.

Prince Charming looks my way and with a sheepish, heart-melting smile, runs a hand through his hair and turns to leave.

Suddenly it clicks.

He’s here to talk to me.

But the boss is keeping him at bay. Seriously? Have I stepped into a Nora Ephron movie?

Mere moments pass before Prince Charming is back, with his hair slicked against his head. It’s not a great look on him, but he still makes it work wonderfully.

It seems he’s willing to go to any length just to get in the door to talk to me. Life makes no sense. Why would he want to talk to me?

The room has gone quiet.

He drags his stunning eyes away from me and looks questioningly at my boss.

Seems there’s finally nothing wrong with his appearance. So he takes long purposeful strides toward me.

I think my heart might burst.

I invite him into the office I share with someone who could be Zach Galifianakis’ twin. Who immediately starts barraging him with questions. I know it’s just to protect me. But the sweet … Ok. Over-obnoxious efforts go too far and before I know what’s happened, my co-worker is sitting on Prince Charming’s lap!?

You’ve got to be kidding me? What else is this guy going to have to go through?

All because he wants to talk to me.

I suggest to my over-protective friend that Prince Charming has permission to be here and ask through gritted teeth, “Don’t you have to go to the bathroom?”

Finally taking the hint, we are left blissfully alone.

And he’s looking at me again. Eyes full of meaning.

I know what he’s going to say. It’s written plain as day on his face.

He loves me.

Wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

All the wonderful things every Prince Charming is meant to say in all the cheesy, wonderful rom-coms.

And, I’m soaking up every moment with eager anticipation. Ready to fling myself into his arms.

He smiles that sheepish, wonderful smile again.

I go weak in the knees.

He opens his mouth to speak.

And my heart begins to pound.

This is it!

He takes a deep breath and begins to speak, but I can’t hear him because the familiar buzz of an alarm calls me away.

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